Skyrim ultra realistic overhaul mod collection
· Я гляжу тут моды больше про детализацию, а не про графику. (ну да, текстурки чётче, контрастность выше). hi, i'm new and not sure if this is the right place but maybe someone can help me with this. i'm playing skyrim se with quite a few mods installed, everything works fine so far. the only thing a just dicovered and which bothers me, is that every NPC with an enchanted armor has this weird blue/white animation every few seconds, it kinda looks like a vortex(?). maybe someonehas seen this before and knows the mod? i have to many mods installed to try switching Список модов Ultra Realistic Overhaul Mod Collection для The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. В» Realistic Lighting Overhaul Р. 57 Голосов освещение геймплей. Сейчас оценю подземелья. Ставлю совместно с Relighting Skyrim Interiors. So, i have the Feminine Chameleon Argonian retexutre mod installed, and for some reason i have this weird white underwear, and i've tried to disable some mods i thought could be the problem, but i just can't find it. Mod list below, help would be appreciated! I can provide a screenshot somewhere if that is needed amp#x200B; EDIT: Problem solved, i accidently installed the underwear option of tempered skins and didn't realise it. Thanks for the help! \# This file was automatically generated. Skyrim – Ultra Realistic Overhaul Mod Collection vs. Vanilla Comparison WQHD Глобальная CБОРКА Skyrim Evolution 2.1 (Маст Хэв 2017!). Обзор изменений. As the title suggests I need some help. I finally finished following Tech Angles guide, with some modification of my own. Long story short, I installed some mod or version of the mod, that makes my game extremely dark, additionally, night vision cant help me see in the darkness either. If any of you have any suggestions about what I could do, that Would be great! amp#x200B; Here is my mod list \#Mod\_Priority,#Mod\_Name,#Nexus\_ID "0132","1st Person Candlelight Fix",9736 "0019","A Qualit. Установка и загрузка модов для Skyrim Special Edition (Cпособ 1й) 9 ЛАЙФХАКОВ от SLIVKISHOW Skyrim – Ultra Realistic Overhaul Mod Collection vs. Vanilla Comparison. Hi, im having a problem, i have NPC appearing dead on the spot where i appear when fast travel in lakeview manor, like if they where fasttraveling XD and dead. I have noted, that when i disable them and travel they appear again in the same place with the same ID. This take this time in appear so i canr tell if its a mod or not i supose it is and have corromped my gameplay. , when i play with a default setup in MO2 and enter in my gameplay, the problem persist. (without mods) Newspaper is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry. Like the title says, my helmet unequips every time i sheathe weapons. It equips back whenever I take weapons out, but always unequips when I sheathe again. I use mods, but I can't for the life of me figure out what is causing this to happen. I have a lot of mods, but the majority are textures: #Mod_Priority,#Mod_Name "0075","2K Retextured Mage Tables" "0132","2k Retextured Ring Of hircine" "0131","2K Ring of Namira Retextured" "0008","A Quality World Map" "0021","Alternate Start - Live Another. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim + ENB mod + Ultra HD texture 2K texture, Ultra realistic ENB settings, video 1080p Древние свитки 5: Скайрим + Ультра реалистичны Skyrim – Ultra Realistic Overhaul Mod Collection vs. Моды для Skyrim — это файл или несколько файлов. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd make a list of some of my favorite modders and what makes them so great. I won't be able to get everyone, so if you're not on here, don't worry, it doesn't mean I'm not thankful for you. Abendaron ( \- great LODS and my favorite lava retexture. AceeQ ( \- creator of some great mods that enhance the environment of Skyrim, whether that be through adding more objects. When I click continue it crashes the game completely. List of mods i am using for Skyrim SE Noble Skyrim - FULL PACK\_2K-45807-5-5-1-1543093476 amp#x200B; Alternate Start - Live Another Life - Alternate Start - Live Another Life amp#x200B; Animated Clutter SSE - Animated Clutter SSE amp#x200B; Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim - Apocalypse v945 amp#x200B; Blended Roads - Blended RoadsModels and Textures2019-03-19 4:03:58 PM2019-03-19 3:24:54 PM789661.46 / 1.46T4GTR43UM3R amp#x200. Here is my mod list: \#Mod\_Priority,#Mod\_Name "0140","2K Dwemer IchorBarrel" "0159","2K Imperial Tents Retextured" "0116","2K Retextured Mage Tables" "0209","2K Underworld Hybrid Eyes - Glow Version" "0107","3Ddoor" "0133","4K Dark Brotherhood Tenants" "0153","4K Hagraven House" "0058","60 FPS version of All-in-One (60 FPS)" "0105","8k" "0007","A Quality World Map - Classic with All Roads" "0022","A. Noble Skyrim - FULL PACK 2K" "0013","Alternate Start - Live Another Life" "0093". Hi, im having a problem, i have NPC appearing dead on the spot where i appear when fast travel in lakeview manor, like if they where fasttraveling XD and dead. I have noted, that when i disable them and travel they appear again in the same place with the same ID. This take this time in appear so i canr tell if its a mod or not i supose it is and have corromped my gameplay. , when i play with a default setup in MO2 and enter in my gameplay, the problem persist. (without mods) It has to be some sort of texture mod conflict? I know SSE does not really have RAM limitations so that is the only thing I can think of. Here is my mod list: \#Mod\_Priority,#Mod\_Name "0140","2K Dwemer IchorBarrel" "0159","2K Imperial Tents Retextured" "0116","2K Retextured Mage Tables" "0209","2K Underworld Hybrid Eyes - Glow Version" "0107","3Ddoor" "0133","4K Dark Brotherhood Tenants" "0153","4K Hagraven House" "0058","60 FPS version of All-in-One (60 FPS)" "0105","8k" "0007". Hello, I just installed USSEP and certain things dont work anymore. Id just like to know which mods are incompatible with each other. Id do it myself but most of them dont say. If theres a better place for this please tell me! USSEP Leanwolfs Better Shaped Weapons. The Paarthurnax Dilemma Free Crafting Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers Gifts of Akatosh SarcasticDragons Snarky Loading Screen Inigo Silent UI A Quality World Map Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Many More Spells Unread. I've got weird white specks in my snow and I'd like to get rid of them. I'm using Nordic Snow and Ultra Realistic Snowfall. Thanks in advance for any help! Screenshot for clarity: ( amp#x200B; Full load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse004-ruinsedge.esl 254 FE 2 ccbgsss. I am trying to start game with mods. Everything seems to be fine. But textures in Racemenu are ultra blocky, so I have this line in skse.ini: \ Display\ iTintTextureResolution=2048 So. Textures are still crappy as hell. Also, I have memory fix in skse.ini: \ Memory\ DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 And at start menu there is warning about skse memory fix, allocation, bla bla bla. So I tried literally everything!!! I put this in main data folder in skyrim folder. cant go into winterhold without crashing. ive tried uninstalling several mods mainly trying to config realistic water two as it seems to be troublesome. removed all environment changes eg: flora overhaul and 3d trees and plants. also removed the great city of winterhold but didnt do anything. had a similar issue with glemoril cave where i couldnt get near without it crashing but that quest is buggy so i dismissed it. amp#x200B; load list #Mod_Priority,#Mod_Name "0085","360. So I've been following this guide ( for modding my PC SSE, using MO2. So far i have installed these: amp#x200B; \-Fluffy Snow 3D Trees Patch \-Fluffy Snow - 1K \-Soulgem Stand Redone - 2K \-Imperial Metal Replacer Texture \-better prisonerstuff \-2K Dwemer IchorBarrel \-Lock HD texture \-Windhelm Enhanced Metalwork 4k \-CC's Enhanced Ore Veins SSE - 2K - 6.2 \-Ancient Automatons 2K \-Sweet Mother So I've got this weird bug where there's constantly light coming from below my character which is making it hard for me to sneak. Here's a few screenshots which demonstrate the issue: I'm playing on a heavily modded LE game that I've had running since 2015 with no major issues other than fairly rare random CTDs. Using an ENB. I've tried a bunch of stuff in-game, there's no magical effects causing it that I can tell. It happens regardless of what I have equipped a have weeks trying to make the game works with mods but the game keep freezing when i walk through Whiterun. I use Mod Organizer. This is my Left Panel order: \+Colorful Lights - No Shadows - DLCs \+Colorful Lights - No Shadows - More FPS \+Insignificant Object Remover \+Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version \+No more Radial Blur - Performance optimization \+Remove Underwater Grass - A Performance Mod \+XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended \-XPMSE Skeleton for RSChildren \-Realisti. I recently finished modding my game, and I have a pretty good set up going. I've decided to put together a list of all the texture mods i'm using, plus some extras to make your game a tad bit better. Note that I am NOT RESPONSIBLE for your game breaking. Read the description of EACH mod, download the patches you need, and make the necessary overwrites. I highly recommend using MO2. Also note that this is all based on my personal preference. Some screenshots, they're blurry for some reason. Hi! I'm stuck with really ugly snow textures on stone. Has anyone else experienced this and managed to fix it? IMGUR ( Thanks :) amp#x200B; Snow-related mods "0035","Better Dynamic Snow" "0038","Fluffy Snow - 2K" "0036","Fluffy Snow for Majestic Mountains - 2K (MM1.8 and newer)" "0037","Fluffy Snow Windhelm Bridge and Street Fix" amp#x200B; Modlist - All \#Mod\_Priority,#Mod\_Name "0169","1st Person Candlelight Fix" "0039","A Quality World. I've been playing SkyrimVR with my current mods for over 100 hours (granted 90% of that was modding and tweaking settings) without any crashes. I've been doing the quest where Septimus Signus sends me to Alftand. When i try to open the door to the Alftand Cathedral I get a consistent CTD while it loads. I've run LOOT and it shows no errors. I checked my mods for errors in SSEedit and the only big offender was USSEP, so i disabled it and all other mods that require it. Cleaned ALBUM ( Any idea how to fix these suuuper bright spots? I'm at my wits' end with this one. I basically built my mod list off of S.T.E.P ( amp#x200B; Thank you! amp#x200B; Mod List \#Mod\_Name "1st Person Candlelight Fix" "9.0.1 A Quality World Map - Vivid with Stone Roads" "A Quality World Map - Clear Map Skies" "Achievements Mods Enabler" "Acquisitive Soul Gems Multithreaded" "Alex's Higher. I finally got my mod list together,and would like to use these if I can. I have Vortex installed after hearing how easy it is to use, however, maybe I'm better off using Mod Organizer for managing and load order,but don't want to be overwhelmed by it. I based my list off a combination of various Mod Lists I've seen posted on here (like Aerowyn, UploadVR, Satherewasting, and the NordicSkyrim Modding Guide here ( on the Nexus, along. =============SOLVED=============== Avoid the Mod name "Encounter Zone Unlocked SSE" ================================== amp#x200B; I instantly CTD upon entering High Hrothgar. I have even tried reinstall the XPSME as well as get the original skeleton.nif Nothing works! The Greybeards are still fine even I used the prid console on Arngeir. I suspected it is to be meshes issue, but I don't know which one it is. Personally, I have used SSEdits to fix all the red errors in leveled lists Hi guys, I'm having a lot of issues with my mod list. I'm playing on an oculus, and my computer has an overclocked GTX1080 with 8GB of Vram and an overclocked i9 processor. In the first hour of play I've experienced: glitchy prison carts (thought this would've been fixed with the prison cart fix mod) people suddenly turning bald after being beheaded (probably because of custom hair, not that big a deal) a drawbridge that causes my camera to go crazy as I walk across it (or doesn't